Friday, September 17, 2021

Download and Install NZXT Cam For Windows, Guide to use NZXT cam

NZXT Cam is a very popular and highly efficient PC monitoring and configuration software. It is specially useful for gaming computers. This article will cover how to download NZXT Cam and also, how to install and use it for maximum efficiency. 

Using the NZXT Cam is no rocket science as it can be initiated with a very simple process. Before you begin though, you must create your account so that you can use NZXT Cam properly. Open the website and create your account.

You can also access NZXT Cam via your social media accounts such as Facebook and/ or Twitter. Following a brief introduction, customise a few options here and there such as colour of interface and name of computer. Once you finish that, the NZXT Cam main window will open up.

The tabs provided on screen will enable you to navigate the interface. That’s how easy the process is. But if the above process sounds complicated, you employ either of the 2 methods mentioned below.

How to Download NZXT Cam

The steps for this method are as follows.

  • Open any web browser that you like to use such as Firefox, Chrome, etc.
  • Download NZXT Cam executable file using the below button. It is free to download. 
Download NZXT CAM
  • NZXT Cam will be saved in the Downloads folder of your system.
  • If right click on on the button and click on Save As you get to select location of your choice for saving NZXT Cam.
  • If you have an antivirus program in your system such Windows Defender, it will scan NZXT Cam for you before downloading.

How to Install NZXT Cam Software

After you download NZXT Cam software, the next step is to install it properly on your device.

  • Once you have downloaded NZXT Cam, click on the executable twice.
  • This will initiate the process of installation.
  • The instructions for installing NZXT Cam will be displayed on screen. Follow them till the end.
  • Once that is done, you will see the icon of NZXT Cam on your Desktop. 
  • Click on it and run the NZXT Cam software on your PC.

Download NZXT Cam from Windows Store  & Install it

Step 1: Open Windows Store

The Windows Store app will be present on your desktop widget or somewhere in your Taskbar. The icon appears like a tiny shopping bag bearing the logo of Windows on it. Open it.

Step 2: Find NZXT Cam on Windows Store

There are two ways of looking for the app. Either you can type NZXT Cam on the search box and get access immediately. The search box is to your right on top. Or, you can look for the apps according to their popularity and find out NZXT Cam from that list.

Step 3: Install NZXT Cam from Windows Store

Once you have discovered NZXT Cam, you will see its name as well as the logo. Below the icon will be a button that will be marked Free (meaning it won’t cost you anything to download).

If not, then it will be marked with the price you’ll have to pay for installing. Click on the button and initiate the installation. Once it is complete, click on Open.

You have successfully downloaded NZXT Cam on your Windows PC. Installation steps are same as before. 

How to use NZXT Cam Software on Windows

There are four tabs necessary for the NZXT Cam interface. In order to use the Audio, Lightning, and Tuning tabs, you must have the required NZXT Cam hardware.

If you are using NZXT RGB Cam from your PC, you can use the Monitoring, Games, and Specs tabs. The first of these is the main section of the interface of NZXT Cam. 

Then there is the CPU panel that shows the CPU Load, Clock Frequency, Temperature Level, as well as Fan Speed. To your right will be the GPU section, that will display the same options meant for graphics.

The RAM load can be monitored along with the programs consuming extra memory. In addition to that, you can also find the storage capacity and the network usage. The downloading and uploading speed along with the top processes will feature on the pane at the bottom.

Hardware specs tab

The Specs tab will give you the technical data about the hardware in use. This includes information such as –

  • the model number of CPU,
  • Motherboard, RAM,
  • Network Adapters, and the GPU.

Click on any of these components, you will find out more information about them to your right. If you click on the Motherboard for example, you will get to know about its chipset architecture and BIOS information.

Games Tab

The Games tab of Cam NZXT is slightly different from the other two. There is a timeline on this tab that will inform you about the games that have been played during the last week or month or year.

It will also show how much time was spent in each game. Different games will be colour-coded differently so that people read them easily.

The panel in the bottom half will provide stats on average frame rate of the game. If you click on any of the games, you can find out advanced stats regarding the same. This includes the average length of the session and the length of the longest session.


The most popular feature of Cam NZXT is Overlay. The overlay appears on top of the games you are running and NZXT RGB Cam displays that on your screen.

To enable this feature, you’ll have to press Ctrl and O simultaneously. Overlay is more useful than similar options such as Steam and Uplay which are built-in. 

  • All you have to do is go to Settings and then to the Overlay page to customise the panels of OSD.
  • The options present by default are FPS, CPU, RAM, and GPU.
  • Additionally, the Overlay can also display System time and Network for display.

These options are of help when it comes to adjusting the settings of the game, benchmarking performance or overclocking the computer.

The OSD is half opaque and of a medium size overlay. However, there are more options that can help you change the settings. You’ll have to press the large X-shaped button located below another X-shaped button. This will take you back to the main screen from the Settings option.

Sometimes though, the overlay tends to distract the user, especially when they are in the middle of a game. This is because important areas of the screen may get overlapped.

  • To reposition the overlay, you need to press Ctrl and O.
  • Drag it to different part of the screen.

When you run NZXT Cam manually, a splash screen might appear at times. The function of this feature is to establish communication between Cam NZXT and the servers.

These servers contain a system based on accounts which is meant for users that have registered themselves. These servers can also store data about you anonymously.

This data extends to information about your gaming timelines, which might be of use to other registered users as well. You can always disable this option though. All you have to do is open Settings and then go to the Privacy Settings option. If you are more concerned, you can also disable NZXT RGB Cam from the Firewall.

The memory footprint of NZXT RGB Cam is not too heavy. This is what makes it so ideal when it comes to playing certain intensive games. It is this feature of NZXT Cam that serves a dual purpose.

Firstly, you can always monitor the performance of your computer while you playing a particular game. And secondly, you can also get a sense of the how the advanced settings of graphics impact your system.

So, download NZXT Cam for free now and use it to monitor your computer for optimal performance. With this tool you can control every aspect of your system. Share this article with your friends to boost their gaming performance.

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